Indufor Group is among the world’s leading forest sector consulting groups with more than 43 years of experience providing high-quality information, analysis, and extensive knowledge and services for our clients throughout the forest industry value chains. Our work products and consulting services support our clients’ mission and add value to all stakeholders and affected communities.
Global population growth and economic development are increasing competition for rural land and other natural resources, while climate change and the progressive decline in natural capital present wicked problems, requiring a rapid global response and transition to green growth economies incorporating sustainable, bio-based production. Forests can provide increasingly important nature-based solutions to addressing these global problems. Indufor is among the world’s leading forest sector consulting groups, working with clients to discover and develop forest management solutions at local, regional and global scales.
Indufor in Brief
We work with ambitious clients who want their future to be successful and help them achieve extraordinary outcomes.
Indufor publishes regularly all the news related to main activities
Bill Liley, Managing Director of Indufor Asia Pacific, presented New Zealand’s Kirk Horn Award
Indufor would like to congratulate Bill Liley on being presented with the Kirk Horn Award at the New Zealand Institute of Forestry …
South Sudan Provides Good Opportunities for Forestry – Weak Governance a Major Obstacle for Development
South Sudan Provides Good Opportunities for Forestry – Weak Governance a Major Obstacle for Development Indufor carried out a review of South …
Global Wood Trade Conference 2023 in China: Overview of the Global Softwood Log and Lumber Business
The “2023 Global Wood Trade Conference” was held in Rizhao City, Shandong Province, China, From July 4th to 6th. The event was …
Emerging Findings on Jurisdictional REDD+ in Mato Grosso
Ahead of COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh, The Nature Conservancy published emerging findings from a case study on jurisdictional REDD+ implementation to support …
Indufor has extensive project experience and completed over 1,000 assignments over the past 43 years
The Timber Market Survey (TMS) provides information on timber price movements in Australia. The TMS report is published quarterly and contains national price indexes for a range of timber products. TMS price data is collected through quarterly surveys of a representative sample of timber market participants in eastern Australia. All TMS reports contain price trend results for softwood timber, panels and engineered wood products. In addition, the June and December quarter reports contain pricing information for a range of hardwood products.