Indufor employs an integrated, cross-sectoral approach to policy development, drawing from its reservoir of multi-disciplinary expertise. Forest governance is a dynamic practice, affected by globalisation, decentralised management, privatisation, and the changing demand for forest products and services from more urbanised population. Smart and responsive public policies are needed to protect the rights of different groups of people within communities and across societies.
In support of intelligent and dynamic policy development, Indufor provides thorough analyses of policy options and informed design of public sector programs. We have a strong knowledge base of supply chain dynamics in the forestry sector and expertise on the dependencies between different land use allocations.
Indufor applies its policy expertise on projects pertaining to sustainable development and national forest policies, including responses to climate change. This work includes capacity building to support sustainable landscapes and REDD+ readiness; evaluation reviews of ecosystem restoration projects; and green growth project development in forestry and land use.
Area Experts
Mr Selänniemi holds a master's degree (MSc) in forestry from the University of Helsinki (1997) and a bachelor's degree (BSc) in forestry from Tammisaari School of Forestry (1981). He has been working in commercial forestry in Finland and in international development cooperation assignments for over 30 years. He has a solid background in institutional development and smallholder/community forestry, especially in Africa. He also has a deep understanding of project cycle management, and has led several project planning missions and managed a number of long-term technical assistance projects in forestry. He is fluent in Swedish, Finnish and English.
Andrew Morton, Managing Director of Indufor Asia Pacific (Australia), holds a Bachelor of Forestry Science (Hons) degree from the Australian National University and a Masters of Business Administration from the University of Western Australia.
Andrew has over 25 years’ experience in forest and plantation activities in temperate and tropical environments and provides specialist advice in management structuring for forest and plantation managers, investors and owners, and in developing sustainable forest management systems.
Andrew has wide experience in policy and commercial assessment in the forests and wood products sector, advising governments, industrialists, investors and financiers. This includes expert roles in relation to legal proceedings in a range of jurisdictions and acting as arbitrator to forest sector disputes.