Indufor provides monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of large and complex projects and policies in the fields of development cooperation, forestry and climate change.
We have in-house evaluation expertise as well as access to a broad network of experienced evaluation consultants worldwide.
In our work, we follow international best practices, such as the OECD DAC Quality Standards for Development Evaluation, providing expert, customised evaluation design, implementation, and reporting. Beyond producing assessments, we guide our clients, helping them understand and act on the evaluation results.
Our evaluation references include the following:
Review of the Impact of Finnfund Financed Forestry Companies in the Development of Forest Industries in East Africa. The assignment provided an assessment of the role of the three forest industry companies that Finnfund invested in for operations in Tanzania, Uganda, and Rwanda, and especially the role of these companies in developing forestry industry. (Link)
- Lessons Learnt Review of the Hutan Harapan Rainforest Project, Sumatra, Indonesia (2016). Indufor was engaged by the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA) to conduct a ‘lessons learnt’ review of the Hutan Harapan Rainforest Project – the first Ecosystem Restoration Concession (ERC) established in Indonesia. The review involved extensive consultation with DANIDA, Burung Indonesia (the organisation responsible for managing Hutan Harapan), the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, and a range of other stakeholders with interests in the development of ERCs in Indonesia. The final deliverables comprised a report and handbook with lessons learned for application to other ERCs across Indonesia.
- Final Evaluation of the Regional Biodiversity Programme for the Amazon Region of the Andean Community (BioCAN, 2010-2013). The evaluation aimed at assessing the relevance of the program in the regional Andean-Amazon context, focusing on its coherence and complementarity with national and regional policies and other similar interventions. The evaluation encompassed the four Andean Community Member States: Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru.
Area Experts
Blair Freeman, Head of Strategy and Sustainability with Indufor Asia Pacific (Australia), holds a Bachelor of Forest Science degree from the University of Melbourne and a Masters of Business Administration from the Australian Graduate School of Management.
Blair has over 20 years of experience in providing advisory services on forest policy, strategic planning, natural resource management and sustainable development, across Australia and the Asia Pacific region.
As project director and project manager, Blair has led a range of complex multi-disciplinary projects, including strategic reviews and program reviews relating to forest industry development, conservation and natural resources management. These projects have encompassed extensive stakeholder consultation and the provision of consulting advice to public and private sector clients, at executive and senior government levels.
Ms Rivas Palma, Senior Consultant, Forestry and Climate Change, holds a PhD in Forest Environmental and Social Valuation (2008) and a Master’s degree in Forestry Science (MForSc distinction) (2000) from the University of Canterbury, New Zealand). Rosa’s expertise is in the provision of technical and policy advice on climate change issues as related to Land-Use Change and the Forestry sector. This includes greenhouse gas inventories and projections. Rosa is a qualified UNFCCC inventory expert reviewer. She has professional working experience in Asia, New Zealand, Africa and South America. Rosa is fluent in Spanish and English.
Jeffrey Hatcher is the Managing Director of Indufor North America, which provides sustainability and investment consulting services to public and private clients. He previously served as Director of Global Programs for the Rights and Resources Group where he led analytical projects on forest tenure policies, climate change, and investment risks. He began his career at the FAO Emergency and Land Tenure services in Sudan supporting the implementation of the land policy provisions of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement and land restitution for internally displaced people. He holds an MBA with a focus on finance from INSEAD, an MA in Development Studies from the University of Pavia, and a BA in International Relations from the College of William and Mary.