Global climate change worsens year on year, with increasingly pernicious effects on human and environmental health. Much of the damage results from more erratic and extreme weather, such as extreme heat, droughts, deluges, floods, and strong storms. Indufor advises clients that aim to help people build resiliency and adapt to climate change, delivering policy solutions that support people and ecosystems in adapting to climate change. Our adaptation projects are funded by World Bank and the Adaptation Fund.
We employ a dual-lensed approach in working on adaptation reporting, policy creation and review, examining “adaptation” from both “socio-economic” and “ecosystem” perspectives.
Socio-economic adaptation
We evaluate stakeholders’ vulnerability to climate change and their degree of dependence on forest and ecosystem resources for their livelihoods. This is done through modelling socio-economic data and participatory consultation processes. Based on our findings, we develop adaptation plans providing solutions and strategies on how communities can move to a more resilient lifestyle.
Ecosystem adaptation
A changing climate puts ecosystems to test. Some species and ecosystems are more vulnerable to the challenges of climate change, particularly droughts, floods, storms, and pest and disease epidemics. We provide services in ecosystem climate adaptation, such as ecosystem restoration, biodiversity conservation, identification of drought or flood-tolerant species, addressing erosion and the role of vegetation in the hydrological system, and pest control.
Area Experts

Blair Freeman, Head of Strategy and Sustainability with Indufor Asia Pacific (Australia), holds a Bachelor of Forest Science degree from the University of Melbourne and a Masters of Business Administration from the Australian Graduate School of Management.
Blair has over 20 years of experience in providing advisory services on forest policy, strategic planning, natural resource management and sustainable development, across Australia and the Asia Pacific region.
As project director and project manager, Blair has led a range of complex multi-disciplinary projects, including strategic reviews and program reviews relating to forest industry development, conservation and natural resources management. These projects have encompassed extensive stakeholder consultation and the provision of consulting advice to public and private sector clients, at executive and senior government levels.