Assessing your company’s or industry segment’s performance in relation to similar companies or industry segments in other countries can be difficult. Some information can be gleaned from public companies’ annual reports, but their figures are often too general to make true comparisons of specific segments within the forest industry. Indufor overcomes this information roadblock with a two-pronged approach to benchmarking:
- Indufor Industry Segment Productivity Assessments (IISPA)
- Indufor Single Plant Benchmarking Studies (ISPBS).
IISPA compares the performance of specific industry segments in different countries over time. This type of assessment provides a macro-level tool that helps industry associations and governmental and non-governmental organisations understand why an industry segment’s competitiveness has improved or diminished relative to the same segment in other countries.
ISPBS provides plant managers, middle management, and other staff with practical “apples to apples” comparisons on their plant’s performance relative to other companies’ performance in the same segment. These studies cover issues related to manufacturing costs, productivity, sales and product mix, raw material use and recovery, and other pertinent factors.
Indufor has a broad range of expertise in wood products and their manufacturing processes, and we understand the complex operational and market factors that impact a manufacturing plants’ bottom line. As part of ISPBS, our team performs technology assessments – commonly a central component of due diligence processes and financial evaluations – with the objective to improve a plant’s financial performance without major additional capital investment. For these comprehensive assessments, Indufor’s team of experts travels to the plant in question to observe its operation and analyses past performance data and financial records.
Our project references include the following:
- Sawmilling Industry Benchmarking in Russia (2021)
- Analysis of the Swedish Forest Industry (2021)
- Evaluation and Advice on Capital Expenditure Program for the Upgrade of an Oceania Based LVL Producer (2019).
- Wood Raw Material Price Benchmarking Development in the Baltic Rim (2015-2019)
- Technical Audit and Operational Improvements for a Birch Plywood Mill (2016)
- Development of Productivity, Price and Unit Costs in Forest Industries in Finland and Competing Countries (1980-2017).
Area Experts

Marcel Vroege, Head of Forest Industry & Bio Solutions, Asia Pacific, holds an Executive MBA from Waikato University, New Zealand (2000) and a degree in Wood Science (B Sc Hons) from Bangor University, North Wales (1992).
Marcel specializes in the analysis of wood and bio-based products industries and markets in the Asia Pacific region. Areas of special interest and expertise include organizational development, business strategies, cost competitiveness assessments, location assessments and reputation assessments of both companies and products. He has been engaged in numerous assignments globally, assisting local industries, as well as international companies. He has managed a wide range of assignments ranging from company restructuring, mergers and acquisitions, and strategic market and business assessments to market reviews, business and delivery chain analysis, and feasibility and cost competitiveness studies. He has undertaken assignments throughout the Asia Pacific region, Africa, and North and South America.

Mr Rantanen holds a master’s degree in forest economics (MSc For) from the University of Helsinki (1999). He has extensive experience in the international wood industry and trade with a strong background in forestry and wood procurement operations. He has worked in demanding sales roles in the timber industry, including softwood lumber, further processed wood and plywood products, and thermally modified wood products, throughout his career of over 15 years. He has extensive international knowledge of primary and secondary wood products in global wood products markets. During his consulting career, he has worked in various international feasibility and market studies and analyses, as well as business development projects related to the wood products industry.

Janne Löytömäki, Senior Consultant - Wood Products, holds a master’s degree in wood technology (M.S. Tech.) from the Helsinki University of Technology (1992).
Mr Löytömäki is specialized in wood technology, sawmilling and wood-based panels industry, operational, financial and economic analyses, and valuations. His tasks in investment and other industrial studies have included process planning, financial analyses, operational and technological assessments, implementation planning; development of cost accounting, monitoring and reporting systems; carrying out forest asset appraisals, and participating in due diligence teams.
Löytömäki is fluent in Finnish and English.

Jarno Seppälä, Head of Forest Industry and Biosolutions Consulting, holds a master’s degree in forest products’ marketing (MSc For) from the University of Helsinki (2001). Mr. Seppälä completed his thesis at Oregon State University, Corvallis, USA, in 2000.
Jarno Seppälä has extensive international knowledge of the primary and secondary wood products as well as bioenergy industries in Europe, Russia and North America. He has been actively involved in and/or managed complete business plans and other strategy formulations, sector studies, raw material, supply chain and market analysis including detailed end-use segmentation and client identification. His responsibilities also include feasibility studies, investment analysis and evaluations as well as due diligence and M&A assessments. Mr. Seppälä has experience in both the private and public sectors – from small local operators to large multinational companies and organisations.
Mr Seppälä is fluent in Finnish and English.