Environmental, Land Tenure & Social Risk Assessments

Sound land-based investment requires investors to effectively manage environmental and social risks. Land sovereignty and resource rights are unclear and undocumented in many emerging and frontier markets. A lack of reliable information on existing land use and ownership poses a significant risk for all land-related projects. If local sovereignty is not addressed, a project can spark social conflicts, and profits can turn to losses.

Indufor offers a range of services to help communities, private sector investors and governments find cost-effective and socially responsible solutions to common environmental problems, land tenure issues, and other social challenges. Our staff brings a wealth of experience from working with government agencies, private entities and civil society groups to understand and bridge the interests and operational realities of different stakeholders.

In the realm of impact assessment, Indufor provides clients with on-the-ground intelligence and practical knowledge that illuminates environmental and social risks and these risks’ effects on corporate operations. Indufor’s project-specific impact assessments mitigate risks while increasing an operation’s profitability and making it more socially optimal.

Our staff is intimately familiar with current international norms and guidance, including:

  • The International Finance Corporation’s (IFC) Environmental & Social Performance Standards
  • World Bank Environmental and Social Framework
  • Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests
  • Principles for Responsible Agricultural Investment
  • The Interlaken Group Guide for Respecting Land and Forest Rights
  • Analytical Framework for Land-based Investments in African Agriculture released by Grow Africa and the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition

Our land tenure and property rights services can stand alone or be integrated within broader due diligence and ESIAs commissioned by clients. Indufor services include:

For private clients

  • Identification of social and environmental risks
  • Environment and social impact assessments (ESIA)
  • Land tenure and property rights due diligence
  • Identification of land suitable for investment opportunities
  • Land acquisition assistance and advice
  • Design and establishment of company-community partnerships
  • Stakeholder analysis and community consultations
  • Design of grievance mechanisms
  • Risk mitigation planning to assist in conflict management
  • Analysis of corporate social responsibility strategies and operations
  • Guidance and advice for adhering to international standards and norms related to land rights and responsible investment

For government and NGO clients

  • Assessment and design of land tenure programs
  • Customary land tenure and indigenous land rights
  • Legal and institutional assessment and analysis
  • Land use change analysis and participatory land use planning
  • Land concession audits
  • Mapping and documentation of land and resource rights
  • Capacity building and training
  • Independent evaluation of land tenure investments

Examples of our projects include the following:

  • USAID Responsible Land-Based Investments
  • USAID Investor Survey on Land Rights
  • Support to Interlaken Group Guidance on Land Tenure for Companies.

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