The quarterly Timber Market Survey (TMS) report presents Australian timber price movement data collected through the quarterly surveying of a representative range of timber product traders in eastern Australia. The TMS collects data on the movement in buying price of a wide range of domestic and imported timber products purchased and stocked by survey participants. Participant’s quarterly product volume data is not collected by the TMS. Individual survey results are assigned an overall weighting based on participant business size, and aggregated state level results are weighted based on TMS State Weightings. Price movement data are presented in nominal terms unless otherwise stated. All TMS reports contain price trend results for softwood timber, panels and engineered wood products. In addition, the June and December quarter reports contain price trend information for a range of hardwood products. Note: Price changes in this report are based solely on TMS survey data; individuals may experience different price movements in their own markets.
The TMS is prepared by Indufor (Australia). Funding is provided by Forestry Corporation NSW; VicForests; HVP Plantations; Queensland Government Department of Agriculture and Fisheries; HQPlantations; OneFortyOne Plantations; Green Triangle Forest Products; AKD Softwoods; Sustainable Timber Tasmania; and Southern Cross Forests.