
The world’s forests and the related processing industries can meet the needs of people by providing a wide range of products, ranging from paper and board, materials for construction, furniture and packaging to chemicals and energy. In addition, they can provide environmental and climate services, by stocking carbon in long-lasting wood products or substituting higher emissions products. The supply and demand of forest products, as well as regulations, are in a continuous state of geographic flux, creating a need for new strategies and investments to maximise opportunities and manage threats.

Indufor’s goal is to increase the value of its clients’ assets and operations, be they forests, biomass resources or manufacturing plants. Our forest industry consulting experts have in-depth knowledge of the forests and forest industries, including pulp and paper, solid wood products, reconstituted products, engineered wood products, bio-based chemicals and biomass energy.

Whether you are developing harvesting operations, building a new mill, improving existing operations, finding new markets or engaging in acquisition or divestment, Indufor has the forest industry consulting expertise and capability to assist.

Access to sufficient biomass at the right price is a critical factor in any new or existing industry reliant on biological feedstocks for its production. Key issues include land suitability, volumes available over time and competing demand, quality and physico-chemical constraints, and harvesting methods.

Today’s industry participants operate in an increasingly competitive and changing global environment. Local developments can have sharp impacts on industries and businesses across the world. Understanding the constantly changing environment in which they operate is essential for any business to secure sustainable profits and long- term growth.

Within the M&A process, it is essential to bring together muti-disciplinary teams with in-depth understanding of the industry. Our focus at all times is on ensuring our clients can make their investment decisions based on the best possible information and knowledge available.

Assessing your company’s or industry segment’s performance in relation to other companies or industries in other countries can be difficult. Some information can be drawn from annual reports of public companies, but their figures are commonly too general to make true comparisons of specific segments within the forest industry. Indufor has developed a two-pronged approach to benchmarking.

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