Project References

The assignment was a global market study on plywood, focusing on 26 countries in all regions. The main objective of the project was to support the industrial private Client its

The project, implemented in the North-Western and Muchinga Provinces of Zambia 2015-2018, aimed to lay the foundations for a devolved sustainable forest and other natural resources management system. The development

Indufor was contracted by the Liberia Forest Development Authority (FDA) to carry out an assignment under the Liberia Forest Sectcor Project (LFSP) called “Coordination and Management of Livelihood Activity Support

The objective of the assignment was to carry out bankable due diligence of a greenfield birch plywood mill project in North-West Russia. The assignment included a complete analysis of the

Indufor, through the consultancy funded by the World Bank from 2016 to 2018, strengthened the capacity of the Government of Zimbabwe to integrate climate change considerations into the planning, design

Indufor carried out a plywood feasibility study for a plywood producer, including a market study in Western Africa. The main objective of the assignment was to assist the Client in

Indufor implemented the Private Forestry Programme (PFP) in Tanzania from 2013 to 2019. The programme was designed to capture the opportunities for the forest sector to become an important actor

Indufor has a long-term continued presence in Lao PDR since we have been implementing a series of four consecutive Sustainable Forest Management Projects in the country: The program has gradually

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