
Indufor Asia Pacific established an office in Australia in 2014, expanding Indufor Group’s reach and the capacity of its global services. The Australian team’s experience extends around the Pacific Rim, advising governments, forest investors, sector industrialists, civil society organisations and development agencies throughout the region.

The Indufor team in Australia comprises professional foresters and forest scientists with post-graduate qualifications and decades of experience in forest policy development as well as the technical and commercial aspects of managing forests for a broad range of values.

Senior staff have acted as independent and trusted advisors to the forestry and wood products sector since 1993, providing grounded, science-based advice to government and private sector clients. These entities have sought Indufor’s expertise in conducting due diligence of forest assets, valuations for forest investors, performance reviews of forest management systems, and providing strategic and policy advice. The team has managed a range of strategic reviews, at the sectoral level as well as at an enterprise level, and key personnel have served in arbitration roles in court proceedings and dispute settlement processes. Indufor’s presence in Australia strengthens the global capacity and depth of expertise across the Indufor Group.

Our team in Australia

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