Climate Change Technical Assistance Program: Strategic Actions Supporting the Forest Sector in Zimbabwe

Indufor, through the consultancy funded by the World Bank from 2016 to 2018, strengthened the capacity of the Government of Zimbabwe to integrate climate change considerations into the planning, design and implementation of development projects in the forest sector. Indufor team assessed climate impacts on natural forests and plantations by modelling temperature, precipitation and information on soil and vegetation types. The team also undertook an assessment of climate impacts on forest-dependent livelihoods in the geographical areas identified as the most vulnerable and stress-prone through the climate modelling study.

The first workshop during the project

The livelihoods assessment was done using Participatory Rural Appraisal methods such as Focus Group Discussions. Based on the information generated through the modelling and livelihood study the project designed a set of adaptation and mitigation projects in the forest sector suitable for submission to the Green Climate Fund, GEF and bilateral funding sources.

For further information, please contact Thomas Selänniemi.

Indufor is a global leader in Natural Resources Management, Investment Advisory, and Strategic Industrial Development consulting. We support our customers to compete and sustainably grow in international markets. Indufor has offices in Finland, New Zealand, Australia, the United States, and China. We have over 43 years of experience in more than 100 countries. Our services support our clients to make the world more sustainable and greener.

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