Participatory Plantation Forestry Programme in Tanzania, Phase 2 (PFP 2)

Indufor, together with Niras, started the implementation of the Participatory Plantation Forestry Programme Phase II (PFP 2) in Tanzania on November 1st, 2019. This four-year programme, with a budget of close to EUR 10 million, is the second phase of a long-term partnership between the Governments of Tanzania and Finland, supporting private plantation forestry and strengthening wood industries in the Southern Highlands.

The Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism, Hon. Constantine Kanyasu, and the Finnish Ambassador Ms. Riitta Swan viewing and inspecting FWITC machinery installed for wood technology training and capacity building for MSMEs during the PFP 2 launch.

From Plantation Establishment to Market-Oriented Plantation Management

The objective of the PFP 2 is economic development and poverty alleviation, focusing on tree-growing smallholders and small industries in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania. It builds on the strong foundation created by the previous phase, including 12 000 ha of smallholder plantations, the Tree Growers Associations (TGAs), the Forest and Wood Industries Training Center (FWITC), as well as a thorough in-depth analysis of the economic opportunities for forestry in the Southern Highlands. Now the attention is moving forward from plantation establishment to market-oriented plantation management and long-term inclusive income-generation to be achieved by product development and quality processing.

Mentoring of the FWITC will continue, taking the institution towards self-sufficiency and enabling it to offer demand-driven training to tree growers and the processing industry in both forest management and wood processing. The FWITC will continue to act as a centre for innovation, promoting new processing technologies, diversification and more efficient use of wood. Following the Finnish model, training for tree growers and the small industry will be brought out to field by establishing a mobile training unit, including equipment for forest management and a mobile sawmill.

Sawmill owned by a group of SMEs in Makete (PFP 1)

Technical advice and services around forestry will continue to be key issues in bringing the tree growers’ plantations to successful commercial wood production. The TGAs and their umbrella organisation (the TTGAU) will grow into having a central role in offering these services, with the PFP 2 acting as a mentor in this growth. The work that started under PFP 1 focusing on species and site-specific best silvicultural practices, market information system and log and timber standards development, will be taken further. The standard development is fundamental for the promotion of good quality both in forest management and processing.

Promoting Investments in Forestry with Stakeholders

Networking and partnerships are core ideas in rolling out the PFP 2. At the national level, this will include forums such as the Forest Working Group under the Tanzania National Business Council. At the local level, our team of experts will work with a variety of stakeholders. The District Administrations in Makete, Njombe and Mafinga, which are the most forest-rich districts in the Southern Highlands, will receive increased attention to promote investments in forestry. This will be done by raising awareness on opportunities in forestry and facilitating Private Public Partnerships. A key message here is to offer win-win opportunities in form of return on investment for the industry and increased tax income for the districts.

Our team is led by Michael Hawkes, the Chief Technical Advisor who will continue his work from PFP 1.

Indufor is a global leader in Natural Resources Management, Investment Advisory, and Strategic Industrial Development consulting. We support our customers to compete and sustainably grow in international markets. Indufor has offices in Finland, New Zealand, Australia and the United States, and representation in China. We have close to 40 years of experience in more than 100 countries. Our services support our clients to make the world more sustainable and greener.

For further information, please contact Thomas Selänniemi.

Programme’s website

Indufor is a global leader in Natural Resources Management, Investment Advisory, and Strategic Industrial Development consulting. We support our customers to compete and sustainably grow in international markets. Indufor has offices in Finland, New Zealand, Australia, the United States, and China. We have over 43 years of experience in more than 100 countries. Our services support our clients to make the world more sustainable and greener.

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