
Investment Advisory

Our investment advisory services have carried out over 500 assignments in more than 100 countries over the years and our clients include private and public forest companies, timberland investors, financial institutions, international development banks, international organizations, government institutions, and other agencies.

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The world’s forests and their associated processing industries meet the needs of people by providing a wide range of products, ranging from paper and board, materials for construction, furniture …

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Resource Monitoring

With over 25 years’ of experience in using Earth Observation (EO) data Indufor’s Resource Monitoring team offers a unique insight on how to effectively monitor the Earth’s natural resources.

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Landscapes and Sustainable Value Chains

Investments in forestry and agriculture depend upon and impact landscapes. Under sustainable management, landscapes are resilient and provide natural resources and ecosystem services that create long-term value for communities, companies, and governments.

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Sustainable Development

Forests and sustainable landscapes have an important role in addressing global issues such as poverty, youth unemployment, illegal migration and refugee crises, climate change, and loss of biodiversity.

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Climate Change

As the world transitions to a low-carbon economy and recognizes the realities of climate change, there is an increasing need to develop pathways to green growth and climate resilience. Forests have a critical role to play in supporting these paths and sustainable development strategies around the world.

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